A tentative agreement has been made for a new part-time salary schedule which provides part-time faculty with schedule placement opportunities, based upon attainment of degrees and graduate or post graduate units. The new schedule will become effective January 1, 2016.

The salary schedule is broken down by three columns and several rows. Initial placement of new part-time faculty will be based on their educational attainment (column) and their full-time teaching experience (row). Official placement with be determined by the District Office of Human Resources. Please view the tentative salary schedule.

Current part-time faculty members with coursework that meets the requirements for the additional columns, may submit the required documentation by the deadline to HR for a column adjustment. Required documentation includes a Column Movement Request Form  and Official Transcripts.

In summary, the new columns require the following in educational attainment: Column II – Masters and 20 semester units (graduate or post-graduate level courses) Column III – Doctorate or Masters and 60 semester units (graduate or post-graduate level courses)