Q.  Who is eligible for part-time conference funding?

A.  All Part-Time faculty teaching less than 7.5 LHE in the District are covered under the Coast CCA contract. This may change semester-to-semester, if you teach or go over 7.5 LHE. Those who teach 7.5 LHE or more are covered under the CFE contract, the full-time Union at Coast, which has a different process and different amount of available funds.


Q.  Is it broken out by LHE amount?

A.  Not “broken out” depending on your LHE, but based on your LHE each semester, you will have different amounts available to you and different processes to follow under the 2 different contracts.


Q.  Also, how much is available to an individual annually?

A.  As noted above, the funding is based on the semester. In the Coast CCA contract, a part-time teacher is eligible for a maximum of $700 per conference, up to 2 conferences per semester.