The Coast District has had excellent improved morale and operations with the result of these recent appointsments after the Board conducted extensive interviews:
- Interim Chancellor-Gene Farrell
- Vice Chancellor of Human Relations-Cindy Vyskocil
- Community Relations-Letitia Clark
After an extended period of negotiation, the District and the CFCE agreed on a 1-year contract(July 15, 2015-June 30, 2016)and language that was acceptable to all.
Though the Board is pleased to have Gene Farrell on board as Chancellor, it is not forever, and the board has just begun to lay out plans for a chancellor search, which will involve every aspect of the campuses’ leadership.
Rob Schneiderman and Vice Chancellor Dr. Vyskocil have been instrumental in making progress with the CFE contract and looking to bring a positive force for our CCA contract.
The board authorized an extensive report dealing with the master plans on the campuses, and is gearing up for public hearings on land use.
Recognizing that we should try to “home grow” our leadership on the campuses, and being aware that it is necessary, discouragingly, to take a pay cut for many faculty to take on a dean’s position-the Board has authorized additional salary steps for management.