Coast Community College Association (CoastCCA) is an organization which supports Part-Time faculty of the Coast Community College District. Instructors which teach fewer than 7.5 LHE are eligible to join the Coast Community College Association.
It is our goal to assist you in many matters such as classroom issues, rehire priority rights, salary and compensation raises, and much more! Become a part of Coast Community College Association today, and become eligible to vote for employment benefits, contracts and board elections!
Since part-time faculty can gain or lose classes each semester, it is possible for faculty to shift between the two associations at the District.
Coast Community College Association Support, Benefits and Events
Receive Legal Representation for work related issues.
Protect yourself with our $1M Liability Insurance Policy
California Teacher’s Association Benefits and Enrollment
Receive Coast Community College District Assistance and Support
Cast Votes for Employment Benefits, Contracts and Board Elections
Some of the most popular links are found below.
If you have any additional questions, comments and/or concerns, please Contact Us!
Improving the Professional Experience of Part-Time Faculty of the Coast Community College District.